Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
OMPT involves a conservative management of musculoskeletal problems with a predominantly "hands-on" approach and targets the biomechanical cause of the dysfunction rather than massage, modality application, or exercises only.
OMPT with specialized assessments and the specific joint mobilizations significantly increases our treatment options for the spine and extremities.
Medical Exercise Therapy (CAFS)
Medical exercise therapy (Certified Applied Functional Science), a functional approach to rehabilitation, is used to assess and treat patients with injuries and dysfunction of the neuromusculoskeletal system. The principles of strength, speed, endurance, pliability, power, coordination, and aerobic training are applied to achieve specific results. The progressive exercise program is designed to restore normal function through appropriate three-dimensional exercises.
Works and Sports Specific Rehabilitation
We have developed work and sports-specific assessment and treatment protocols to promote safe and appropriate return to work and sport. The functional protocols uses three-dimensional exercises resembling the required activities following rehabilitation.
Home exercise Protocols
The use of function-specific home exercises allows the patients to exercise independently with minimum equipment at an appropriate frequency.
We supply the patient with quality handouts and access to our state of the art online exercise platform.
Self traction (joint decompression techniques)
Flexibility and pliability training
Strengthening training
Ergonomic considerations
Yoga relaxation exercises
TaiChi Rehabilitation Program
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Our staff has extensive experience in rehabilitation after Orthopaedic surgery and the use of function-specific home exercises contribute to a positive functional outcome.
Neurological Rehabilitation
We have the dedication, skills, and patience to work with most neuromusculoskeletal dysfunctions.
We appreciate the structural changes in the neuromusculoskeletal system through the ages and the consequences created for the rehabilitation program and the expectations for return to function.
Myofascial Pain Syndromes
Myofascial pain syndromes including fibromyalgia are challenging conditions welcomed by our staff. We will work in conjunction the physician and the patient to decrease the pain level and assist in reaching your functional goals.
TMJ and Cranio-mandibular Dysfunction
In addition to localized treatments of the TMJ, we consider other areas in our comprehensive approach: the upper cervical and cervicothoracic spine. We consider the fact that a poor posture and increased muscle tension can influence the overall functioning of the TMJ.